An accountant by trade, Jennie Klassen was definitely intrigued after researching the R+F business opportunity and running the numbers. “I know that numbers don’t lie. Upon doing my research, I knew this was an opportunity that I could not miss out on.” She joined in 2014, without even meeting her Sponsor in person. “Half way across the country from one another and we became business partners and best of friends.”

Today, Jennie spends about 20 hours a week on her business and is able to work around her family. Among her greatest successes is watching her team members rise into leadership and reach their goals. “When they thank me for believing in them sometimes before they even believed in themselves, it is always a pinch me moment.” She also loves working with “like-minded women with similar goals who are so supportive of one another.”

Jennie recommends that new Consultants don’t compare themselves to others. “Don’t let anyone else’s successes take away from your own.” Her goals for the future include helping others achieve her same level of success and eventually achieve Legacy Circle.