Grants Management Specialist
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Samantha Farrell has been a grants management specialist at NIH since 2011 and with NIGMS since 2015. At NIGMS, she is one of six grants management specialists who, with their Team Leader Christy Leake, work with the grants under the Division for Research Capacity Building (IDeA, SCORE, SEPA, and NARCH).

Samantha has a Masters of Health Sciences in Health Education and Behavioral Sciences from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a Bachelor of Sciences in Psychobiology from Long Island University. Her career has included a number of positions related to research and grants administration. She has worked as a peer review contractor for Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), a research assistant at Johns Hopkins applying for and working on grant funded research, a research intern at NCI working with Program Officers, and a program manager for capacity building research centers funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D) Service.