Communications Manager
Kansas INBRE at the University of Kansas Medical Center
Sarah E. Velasquez, MAB, MS, MLS, is the Communications Manager for the Kansas INBRE at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Prior to joining the K-INBRE, Ms. Velasquez worked in the agricultural sector in various communications positions. For the last 8 years Ms. Velasquez has been with the K-INBRE program developing and facilitating projects in student professional development, social media, data collection and assessment, and scholarship. Additionally, she co-managed several HRSA grants with the Center for Telemedicine and Telehealth for 6 years. Ms. Velasquez has a Master’s of Science in Technical Writing and Professional Communication from Utah State University, and a Master’s of Library Science from Emporia State University. She is currently obtaining her PhD in Library and Information Management from Emporia State University with a focus on health literacy.