After four years of staying home to raise her children, Allison Vercelli started “needing something else for me.” While attending one of her son’s sports classes, she started chatting with the mom beside her and learned about R+F. “I didn’t want to look back in 10 years and say I could have been part of it, so I jumped in.”

That was in 2013 and although it wasn’t easy at first, Allison stuck with it. “I was a struggling EC for the first year of my business. I was too worried about what people would think and frozen in my own fear.” Since then, she has changed as a person. “This business has taught me to believe in myself.” She has overcome her insecurities and started dreaming bigger than she ever thought possible.

Allison spends 15 hours a week on her business and credits consistency, persistence and resilience for her success. She believes in leading by example and knows that “the team will follow the pace of the leader.” She is thrilled with her team of women and men who support, motivate, inspire and believe in one another. “We genuinely want the best for each other and are a family.”