Kelly Treble of Fort Hill, South Carolina, was working a demanding job as a finance manager of a major bank when her neighbor, RFX Circle Achiever Ali Aldrich, introduced her to Rodan + Fields® in May 2012. “When I joined, our first child was eight months old, and my husband and I were quickly realizing the difficulty of juggling two stressful careers and parenthood. I wanted more flexibility without having to make a financial sacrifice.”

Initially working her R+F business 10-12 hours each week alongside her full-time job, Kelly was ultimately able to retire from her finance career in March 2015. Now, Kelly enjoys staying home with her children and working her business 10-15 hours each week around her family’s priorities. With the most recent birth of her third child, Kelly said “I couldn’t wait to finally be there for all of the ‘firsts’—first words, first steps—all of which I missed with our first two children due to work.”

Since joining R+F, Kelly’s goals have evolved. “I work my business to help my team members reach their own goals and become leaders,” Kelly says, noting “I’m driven to share this opportunity and the amazing products because I know so many people who can benefit from them.”