Rebecca Traverso was a busy elementary school teacher, photographer and training to be a fitness instructor, but felt like she “was failing at everything because I was stressed out.” When she heard about R+F, she “knew it was an incredible chance to do something big” and could possibly enable her to “live a life of freedom and choice.”

That was in 2014 and Rebecca now spends 30 hours on the business each week. Since joining, she is able to focus all her energy on her R+F business, her kids and volunteering. It has allowed her the “freedom and flexibility to spend my time with those who mean the most” and has relieved her stress over finances. She has enjoyed many successes but “the biggest might be the amount of trust that so many people have put in me by joining my team.”

Her advice to new Consultants is to treat it like any other business. “It takes time and consistent effort. It needs to be a priority in your life and you need to be proud of what you do.” Rebecca’s goals have changed over time and her current focus is on her team’s achievements. She is actively helping them meet their goals and hit promotions by coaching them on and leading by example.