It wasn’t immediately obvious to Heather Nianouris that she was a perfect fit for R+F. Although she recognized the “amazing opportunity,” she wasn’t sure her skill set as a middle school teacher would translate to success in the business. Despite her hesitation, she enrolled in 2013 and quickly “discovered that it wasn’t so different from teaching” because it’s all about sharing something you’re passionate about.

Heather credits her R+F business for enriching her life in many ways. She can now be at home with her children, where she works 15 hours each week “on her own terms.” She has developed relationships with other Consultants, strengthened bonds with old friends and met tremendous new friends. She has expanded her own sense of self-worth and loves empowering others. “I’m helping people feel good in their skin and encouraging others to create a life of choices for themselves.”

Heather compares the satisfaction she gets from her R+F business to the fulfillment she received from teaching. “I love seeing my team grow and celebrating their success, just as I looked forward to helping my students.” She has also been inspired by the philanthropic nature of the R+F community and is “in the beginning phases of starting a foundation that will provide vacations for veterans who suffer from PTSD,” a cause that is close to her heart.