After they moved their family from Los Angeles to Louisiana, Jennifer McKay stopped working to stay home with her kids. But after a downturn in the economy, Jennifer had to look for work again. Her sister had recently joined R+F while working full-time and raising three boys, so Jennifer decided to join in 2010 to earn some money while continuing her job search.

Financially, her R+F business got them out of a “dismal situation” and eased their worries for the future. “It’s also made me a better person – more goal-oriented, more confident, more able to live in the moment.” Jennifer works 60 hours a week and “loves coaching people to success.” One of her favorite things about the business is how “we acknowledge and lift each other up no matter whose team we’re on.”

Jennifer advises new Independent Consultants not to reinvent the wheel. “Make it your own but know that our corporate team and top leaders are telling us exactly what to do to build a big business.” She hopes to spend the next year recruiting more team members, strengthening the culture of leadership throughout her organization and identifying meaningful philanthropic causes that align with her family’s core values.