Prior to learning about R+F in 2013, Alli Luckadoo was a stay-at-home mom who taught swim lessons in the summer. She took the job to try and supplement the lost income from her previous pharmaceutical job but the lessons weren’t enough to help them cover the bills. “I needed exactly what R+F had to offer! To be with my children and provide for them at the same time.”

Allison spends 15 hours a week on her business and credits consistency, persistence and resilience for her success. She believes in leading by example and knows that “the team will follow the pace of the leader.” She is thrilled with her team of women and men who support, motivate, inspire and believe in one another. “We genuinely want the best for each other and are a family.” Her greatest successes has been witnessing all the lives that have been changed “because of this amazing company.” Her twin sister also joined R+F and is now able to stay at home with her kids as a single mom. This energizes Alli to help more people realize their dreams and reach the goals they set for themselves. Her future plans include being able to give more to help others through donating to specific causes and continue to help her team achieve their milestones, whatever they may be. Not only did R+F help Alli and her family financially, but she also rediscovered a part of herself that she hadn’t realized was missing. As a collegiate swimmer, she once had the “drive and fight to accomplish big goals,” which her work with R+F has reinstated. “I love having it back in my life!"