Hannah Fisher of Boca Raton, Florida, came from an art education background before she started a family and decided to stay home to raise her children. When her sister—also a Rodan + Fields® Independent Consultant—introduced her to R+F in June of 2012, she jumped at the chance to find professional success on her own terms. “I was looking for something for myself outside of the daily grind with my children. I wanted my own success and something I could accomplish without having to compromise time away from my family.”

After suffering a tragic loss when her third son was stillborn in 2013, Hannah’s perspective on life changed greatly, and she made the best of a hard situation by making sure something positive came from it. She focuses her business efforts on helping others find ways to build their businesses around their families, because she knows how precious time is, and how circumstances can change at any moment. “I finally understood the magnitude of the business model as I was home recovering with my family, while still earning and having something of my own to throw myself back into.”

As she continues to experience success personally and professionally, dedicating 10-15 hours each week to grow her team and share Life-Changing Skincare with others, Hannah looks forward to “helping many more people achieve their dreams by leveraging the incredible potential of this business.”