In 2009, Tammy Cordes and her husband were living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make their house and car payments, and had no retirement plan or college savings for their teenage daughter. Desperate to make ends meet, Tammy was working two jobs as a United Airlines customer service agent and managing multiple hair salons. So, when she was introduced to the R+F opportunity, Tammy hoped it was a potential “way out” for her family.

Initially, the extra few hundred dollars a month made a huge difference and gave them hope. By 2012, Tammy was able to accept an early retirement package from United. Today, they are paying for their daughter’s college tuition, donating time and money to charities, and providing a secure future for their family. Now working 20-25 each week on growing her R+F team and business, she is hoping her husband can retire and they live out their years free of financial worry.

Tammy has overcome many obstacles on her journey and her greatest achievement is “inspiring others to believe that they too can succeed no matter their circumstances.” She loves hearing that her story inspires others to keep going because it reminds her that she is making a difference. Her dream for the future? “We want the second half of our lives to be spectacular and want to bring as many people along as possible!”