Rachael Ballard was a practicing cardiac critical care nurse working full time when she first learned about Rodan + Fields through her friend, Elizabeth Guess. She fell in love with the business opportunity and the products and registered as an Independent Consultant in June 2012. She was drawn to become a Consultant in part because of the income earning potential, but found so much more.

“R+F has given us time back as a family,” Rachael shares. By working 15 hours each week, Rachael retired from her nursing career and her husband felt empowered to start his own business. “We work completely around our family, not the other way around.”

Rachael’s favorite R+F memory is traveling to Maui, Hawaii on the Elite V incentive trip and spending time with Home Office team members. As Rodan + Fields enters new markets like Australia, Rachael shares that she “wants to have sustainable teams I have personally helped develop in each country.”

As a former nurse, a wife, and stay at home mom, Rachael finds joy in supporting other Consultants to reach their goals. “Never stop believing in yourself and the products,” Rachael encourages new Consultants just starting out in the business. “You are worthy of success!”