Software Engineer

Xiaodan (Sally) Zhang graduated with a BS in Statistics & Computer Science in May 2014 and an MS degree in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) with specialization in data science and related areas in December 2015. She is currently working as a Software Engineer at Apple, Inc. in Cupertino, CA. Sally is an aspiring data scientist and is passionate about technology. Her past experience includes a Software Engineering Intern on Fraud Prevention team @ Groupon Inc. in Palo Alto, CA, a Software Engineer Intern on the Data Services team @ Bazaarvoice Inc. and a Data Science Intern @ Neustar Innovation Center. In GHC 2014, Sally copresented with Shivani Rao (Software Engineer @ LinkedIn, Inc.) for “From Classroom to Industry - Learning to be a Data Scientist”. In GHC 2015, she was the only presenter for the topic “Build an Interactive Data Science Project with Shiny-R”. Sally was also awarded the 2015 GHC Scholar.