Designing Responsively: Tips from a Developer

, Developer, Happy Cog

Learn what’s possible in responsive design and what’s a pain from a development point of view—and how to change your workflow to design more responsively.

In the age of smartphones, tablets, e-readers and smart TVs, responsive design has become the status quo in web design. But designing responsively requires more than just shrinking your website to fit small screens. Widths, heights, and images all become fluid, challenging your painstakingly created Photoshop grid layouts. Beautiful desktop designs become slow and unwieldy on mobile devices. 

In this session, you’ll get tips that will allow you to partner with developers to make lean, lovely, responsive websites that will reach more users than ever before.

3 Main Takeaways:
  1. Find out which tried-and-true design techniques no longer work in responsive designs, and how to adjust your strategy.
  2. Learn why fast website performance can and should be designed.
  3. Discover how collaborating with developers will make your designs more successful.