Towards a Mentally Healthy College: Part 3

, Head of Student Services, Forth Valley College
, Health & Welbeing Officer, Forth Valley College
, Student Support and Counselling Team Leader, Perth College UHI
, Forth Valley College

Student views - Live Life Well - Make Learning Work

Forth Valley College (FVC) now offers a Wellbeing & Support Service where students have a safe space to explore emotions and build coping skills for life. Many students want to work on their wellbeing so they can achieve their educational goals and enjoy their experience at FVC. During this session students will talk about how this service has enhanced their wellbeing.

Perth College - Managing complexity in the Tertiary Sector

This session will consider how we can develop resilience and confidence in staff when responding to students presenting with complex issues. It will further explore how Perth College’s Fitness to Study Process and Complex Case Discussion Groups can go some way in the development of that resiliency and confidence and enhance both the student and staff experience.