Leadership challenges & change
09/09/2016 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

, Occupational Health Nurse, NZOHNA


The perception of health and safety professionals by the business community has been variable. It has been dependent on the person rather than the quality of the profession they work within. This was reinforced by the Independent Task Force in 2013 who commented “The quality, consistency and availability of tertiary training courses in health and safety matters are weak. At the same time, access to specialists and advisers is challenging for many businesses because of the lack of suitably qualified or accredited professionals. This provides businesses with a poor basis for growing in-house expertise.” The Task Force recommendations was to produce “a network of qualified, accessible practitioners in New Zealand”

The Attitudes and Behaviour Survey in 2015 highlighted that the Health and Safety professionals were third in the best place to seek advice on health and safety.

There has been a wide variance in quality and standards within each profession which has led to variable practice.

The challenge is to evaluate how we think, in what we do and how we act to lead as a professional in a business orientated way. There are many professionals who are doing an amazing job, have qualifications and respect but there are others operating in the space who are not members of associations or have kept up with best practice.

The first thing we must do is challenge ourselves our thinking and our actions. Self-reflection, mentoring and be honest about where we are at. Then how to we lead on a personal front. Knowing our own limits and skills. What is the scope of your knowledge?

Leadership across the sector is a new concept of health and safety leadership. Working together using the best skills and best practice to advance practices to help workplaces. Leadership is about understanding, sharing and respecting other professions.

The challenge is to get this right and to support workplace leaders with professional and best practice advice. Business leaders want to make decisions that will keep workers healthy and safe as well as be good for the bottom line.

Leadership is not about personal exclusivity but communication and mentoring to ensure the professions are supported. To inspire professionals into leadership to ensure a vibrant future.