Privacy Statement
We promise to keep safe all details provided to us for the 2018 ACOMM Awards Dinner. We do not sell our mailing lists or allow them to be used by anyone. Slatterys collects information on those who attend Communications Alliance events (CA). We use the information we collect to inform you of upcoming CA events. The information we collect is used to assist us to understand the make-up of the communications industry and the requirements of those who attend CA events. This information, in collated form only, is used to provide summary information to potential advertisers and sponsors. We provide every safeguard in our control to ensure any information you provide us is kept strictly confidential.

If you would like further details on our privacy policy, or to access your personal information, or to update or correct it, you may contact Slatterys by telephoning 03 9663 3093 or by emailing us at

*The 2018 ACOMM Awards Dinner is organised by Slatts Group Pty Ltd (ABN 16 095 689 295) on behalf of Communications Alliance Ltd (ABN 56 078 026 507).