ONIRIS School of Veterinary Medicine in Nantes, France has recently implemented client communication training sessions that include comprehensive feedback and guided student reflection. Course evalutions show high level of satisfaction and requests for further skills development. Testing effectiveness is the next phase. Use of videotaped simulations have been used in some medical and veterinary schools mainly for feedback and self-assessment. The main objective of this study was to determine the impact of communication training, conducted in the third year of veterinary studies, on the ability to identify core skills in videotaped simulations. Two videotaped student/actor simulations were selected from our digital archives based on nature of consultation, one involved discussion of an overweight canine and the other dealt with giving bad news. The 7-10 min videos were previously tagged with core communication skills using ADVENE, a French designed hypervideo authoring tool. Fourth year students who had already undergone communication training in year 3 were selected to participate in the skills identification session where they were asked to watch the videos and try to identify open-ended questioning, reflective listening, and empathy statements. A control group of third year students with no communication training was also included in the study. The responses for third and fourth year students were analyzed and compared. The use of ADVENE as an analysis and feedback instrument for student videotaped simulations will also be discussed. 

Com'ET (Communication and Education Technology) Team, trained by Dr. Jane Shaw, Colorado State University. Hills Pet Nutrition 
*Insignares, Frank; Managment, Statistics, and Communication, ONIRIS (National School of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science & Engineering, Nantes, France
Beaugrand, Florence; Management, Statistics, and Communication,ONIRIS 
Bisson, Corrine; Community Practice Medicine, ONIRIS Drut, Amandine; Internal Medicine, ONIRIS 
Ibisch, Catherine; Veterinary Oncolgy, ONIRIS 
Martin, Lucile; Endocrinology and Nutrition, ONIRIS 
Senecat, Odile; Internal Medcine of small companion animals