The project arose from a desire to explore the specific communication skills utlised by veterinary nurses (VNs) in their interactions with and in building relationships with clients, and to provide guidance that would be a useful tool both in practice and teaching.

Our objectives were, in summary, to promote best practice in veterinary nurse-client communication by:

  • Reaching consensus on the necessary components and framework
  • Ensuring the matrix is relevant and applicable to practice and teaching
  • Incorporating professionalism and self-awareness
  • Sharing the work with the profession

A group of panellists from varying backgrounds were sourced and a Delphi approach was used, involving a series of time-sensitive surveys being  sent to panellists, facilitating anonymous responses. Responses were collated and fed-back to panellists along with distribution  of the proceeding survey.

A workshop held at the VetEd conference (July 2017) offered further input to the matrix.

A discussion forum, provided via ONCORE's VLE, also provided opportunity for participants to discuss key elements.

At the date of this abstract submission, a graphical representation of the matrix has been devised, and the components and skills required for the key elements of VN-client interaction have been agreed upon. The key findings demonstrate that shared decision-making, 'sharing information', motivational interviewing techniques and reflective practice skills are key components of VN communication with clients.

Macdonald, Jill*
Owner, Oncore Online Learning, South Littleton, UK