Simon Malpas

Chief Scientist and Director, The University of Auckland and Millar Inc., Auckland, NZ   


Simon is Chief Scientist and Director in Millar Inc. Millar is a US and NZ based medical device company with specialist products for pressure sensing, wireless power and wireless communications. Prior to his present role he was founder of Telemetry Research Ltd which spun out of the University of Auckland. Simon seeks to understand how and why innovation occurs and why it fails in organisations. He freely admits to making lots of mistakes in business and now wishes to prevent others making the same errors.

The Innovation Ecosystem

The website for this meeting lists the word innovation no less than 13 times in the speaker’s titles. Thus surely it’s critical to business and how we translate ideas into profit? Why is it that most companies however actually spend very little time on creating environments where innovation can flourish? Why is it that large companies generally are terrible at innovation? What does this mean for healthcare in general and specifically for NZ businesses? In this presentation I will examine some of the misconceptions surrounding innovation and how we can do better. Unfortunately I make all my statements through experiences with organisations and people where innovation is a word on the wall rather than a culture.