Dr Michael Gillam

CEO HealthLabs, Health Data Innovations Scholar, MedStar Institutes for Innovation, Singularity University, Healthcare Faculty, San Francisco, USA

Michael Gillam is CEO of HealthLabs, a discovery automation company for Big Data. He is also the chief clinical judge for the Qualcomm Tricorder XPrize and served as a judge on the Nokia Sensing XPrize.  Dr Gillam helped build and sell companies to WebMD and Microsoft and is a former founding director of the Microsoft Healthcare Innovation Lab where he also served as a partner level executive in Microsoft. He has advised health ministries, Fortune 500 companies, and NGOs regarding their healthcare data strategies nationally and internationally particularly in China and the Middle East.


Dr Gillam was research director for the data aggregation solution, Azyxxi, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2006 to become one of their flagship products for healthcare, renamed Amalga™.  He is a physician dual-board certified in emergency medicine and medical informatics who trained, practiced, and taught at Northwestern University in Chicago.  He’s written over fifty papers and abstracts and has eleven patents in healthcare technology. He has served as Chair of Informatics for both the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine and the American College of Emergency Physicians.  He founded and ran healthcare innovation labs in Microsoft and in Washington D.C. He has led projects spanning: advanced data visualization; electronic medical records technology; anomalous event detection; natural language processing (NLP); gesture based interfaces; de-identification; personal health records (PHRs); augmented reality; and medical robotics.


Exponential Healthcare 

The future of healthcare is being reshaped by exponentially advancing trends in genomics, information science, artificial intelligence, and automation which is creating breakthroughs in care and the way we deliver it. From 3D printing to consumer health wearables, point of care decision support to “big data” discovery, synthetic biology to new gene-based therapies - anticipating and leveraging these exponential trends can be key to thriving and making a difference in this new emerging world of health.