Dominic Bailey
Chief Executive Officer, Genesis Research Services, Broadmeadow, NSW, Australia


Dom has studied Nursing, Occupational Health and Safety and Clinical Trials Research at University and is a highly experienced healthcare professional having worked extensively in both public hospitals and private companies.

Dom has written and presented international webinars on Social Media in Clinical Trials, presented at both the ARCS (16/17) and the NSANS (17) Annual Scientific Meetings. He has led the development of Genesis Research Services from a small clinical trials practice into a multi-service company that manages trial recruitment services, a research network of investigators, a registry of over 12 thousand trial participants and obtained Quality Management Accreditation for the business.

With a focus on business development, innovation and sustainability, Dom’s professional goal is to provide simple plans and modern project management for clinical research business success.  

The Use of Social Media as a Tool for Recruitment

As consumers become increasingly divided in how they engage with both healthcare and social media, it is apparent clinical research businesses must quickly adapt their presence online to establish and advance new participant communities and connect with them in reliable ways.

From a site management perspective, the benefits of social media in clinical trial recruitment is typified most aptly as a modern means of identification, engagement and enrolment of a previously under-accessed and potentially willing population for trial participation.

If managed conscientiously and ethically, introduction of social media initiatives can be effective across many clinical indications and for research sites, allows for the formation of a business-orientated vehicle for prospective accumulation of not only trial participants, but additional studies and recruitment of additional investigators.

When a digital media initiative such as recruitment via a social media inclusive system is implemented, sites must prepare accordingly and ensure commitment to the development, implementation and ongoing maintenance of an integrated Quality Management System for social media usage.