Eileen Bass


Dr Eileen Bass is a Consultant Obstetric and General Physician. Eileen currently works at Hutt Hospital, having moved to Wellington three years ago after meeting and marrying a Wellingtonian. Prior to this she trained and worked at Auckland Hospital and National Women's Hospital for almost twenty years. Her sub specialty training in Obstetric Medicine led her to work with Professor Catherine Nelson-Piercy in London and Professor Chris Redmond in Oxford, both world leaders in the field of Obstetric Medicine. Eileen enjoys clinical medicine and the challenge of caring for women with medical problems in pregnancy.


Pregnancy and the General Physician

Pregnant women are delaying pregnancy until they are older and are more likely to have pre-existing medical problems. Increasingly general physicians are encountering pregnant women on their acute ward rounds and in clinic. This talk aims to outline an approach for physicians in managing the pregnant women with medical problems.