Alex Psirides

Intensive Care Specialist, Wellington Regional Hospital, Wellington, NZ


Alex is an Intensive Care specialist working in Wellington, having trained in London, Melbourne and New Zealand. He has been involved in the design and implementation of rapid response systems in several different hospitals. His work in deteriorating patient safety systems led to an appointment as the clinical lead for the New Zealand Health Quality & Safety Commission’s national ‘Deteriorating Patient’ programme.

In his spare time, when not walking his dog or children, he builds websites & designs logos for Wellington ICU’s prodigious research department. He has nearly written a lot more papers & as such should spend less time on Twitter. 


Patient Deterioration & The HQSC

Late last century intensivists decided that the rest of the hospital couldn’t cope without their interference in the management of ward patients they had previously wanted little to do with. The outreach service and its more aggressive cousin, the rapid response team, were born. The deteriorating patient movement continues to grow, leaving in its wake a variety of pastel-shaded charts pored over by ward staff fearful of perpetual change. 

Unfortunately for the naysayers, such systems continue to prove their worthiness with a growing evidence base of significant reduction in harm. So much so that the Health Quality & Safety Commission have invested significant funds in a five-year quality improvement programme to address this at-risk group.