Debbie Bean

Health Psychologist, Auckland Regional Pain Service (TARPS), Auckland, NZ

Debbie Bean is a Health Psychologist and has worked at the Auckland Regional Pain Service (TARPS) since 2006. Her clinical work focusses on the assessment and treatment of chronic pain patients in an interdisciplinary setting. In 2015 Debbie completed her PhD in Health Psychology at The University of Auckland. Her research interests include complex regional pain syndrome, the influence of psychological factors on pain, and the relationship between pain and sleep disturbance.   

Outcome Measures for Chronic Pain

Measuring the extent of success following treatment of chronic pain is a challenge for clinicians and researchers.  Due to the lack of objective measures for pain, pain outcomes are usually measured with self-report questionnaires.  This talk will discuss the nature of self-report measures and how to select measures with adequate reliability and validity; the various outcome domains considered important by researchers, and how these correspond with the outcome domains considered important by patients; how to determine whether a change is clinically meaningful; the difference between ‘outcome’ and ‘process’ variables; and practical issues involved in collecting outcome data from patients.