ISPOR - Health Economics in Clinical Trials
  Thursday 18 August 2016, 08:00-11:30hrs (3 hrs)

This hands-on interactive workshop aims to provide a basic introduction to health economic concepts that are relevant to those involved in conducting clinical trials in New Zealand. The workshop will overview the different types of data that may be needed when conducting an economic evaluation alongside a clinical trial, such as resource use, cost inputs, quality of life and patient reported outcome data. The workshop will provide a venue for discussion of the difficulties in collecting good quality data and the analytical and decision making consequences for not doing so. The workshop will be divided into two parts. In the first part, some basic concepts will be introduced. This will be followed by part 2 which will have a focus on the practical issues in conducting economic evaluations alongside clinical trials. This workshop would appeal to study investigators, clinical research managers and associates, pharmaceutical industry and medical device personnel and data managers.