
GAME sessions are open to all participants. Register for GAME full day meeting (Sunday) as a standalone event or in addition to the main AMEE 2015 Conference and receive a discount on GAME attendance.

Saturday 5th September (0915-1215 hrs) PCW's 11, 12, 13 & 14 (optional extra £65)

PCW 11 - Informatics: The new competancy for healthcare students, residents and clinicians

PCW 12 - Planning and achieving desired inter-professional education outcomes with active learning modules

PCW 13 - Achieving Higher Level Outcomes: Supporting the development of the skills of a Master Adaptive Learner

PCW 14 - Point-of-care learning: Integrating an app into your curriculum for healthcare professionals

Sunday 6th September 

5 Special Interest Groups - Breakfast discussions (0700-0830 hrs)

GAME Full Day Meeting (0900-1700)

Programme and topics to be announced

Tuesday 8th September

Symposium -Faculty Interprofessional Education: Creating Alignment across the leaning and clinical environments

In-Conference Workshops

Outcomes-based education and training: Essential considerations for CPD Professionals

Evaluating the Quality and Value of a Complex Educational Intervention in a Complex Clinical Environment: Impacts of a Morbidity, Mortality and Improvement Conference


Registraton Fee's 

Pre-Conference Workshops 11, 12, 13 & 14 are optional extras priced at £65 each (in addition to GAME Meeting registration) and you are required to book onto these separately. 

GAME Meeting  Sunday 6th September only £180 (£200 from 16 May)

Please see provisional programme for more information.