3: Painting the Picture to Fit in the Frame: The Potential for Professional Regulation to Become a Driver for Medical Education

Julian Archer, Suzanne Nunn & Sam Regan de Bere - Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry 
Workshop Description

With the commencement of Revalidation in the  UK on 03.12.2012 this workshop provides a timely opportunity to explore the potential impact of medical regulation on medical education across the continuum - from medical student to clinician engaged in continuing professional development. Drawing on our research into Revalidation we will introduce the general premise that an unintended consequence of medical regulation is that the regulation becomes a significant driver for both the development of the curriculum and ultimately the shaping of professional identity.



Working in small groups and using anonymised extracts from transcribed interviews with appraisers and appraisees involved in our Revalidation research the workshop aims to raise awareness, encourage reflection and exchange ideas. 
Workshop Objectives

  • Be able to draw a set of general conclusions from specific research that will be relevant to a variety of regulatory contexts
  • Have greater awareness of the ways in which unintended consequences may become drivers for change
  • Have developed a draft outline for a collaborative paper/papers