1: Mind, Body and Spirit  - Teaching Spiritual  Care to Medical Students. How are we doing?
Jennifer Kennedy - University of Dundee
Gillian Munro - NHS Tayside 
Workshop Description

Spiritual Care is person centred care which seeks to help people (re)discover hope, resilience and inner strength in times of illness, injury, transition and loss. As recently as the last decade, the World Health Organisation (WHO) included spiritual welfare alongside physical, mental and social well-being in its definition of health. In the GMC publication Tomorrow's Doctors 2009 the need to respect patients' rights regarding religious or other beliefs was highlighted as an outcome for graduates.

In this interactive workshop we hope to engage participants in this interesting and developing area. We will work through some cases based on spiritual care in a healthcare setting, deconstruct the important elements of spiritual care identified and discuss how we might approach them and how we might use similar cases as a teaching tool in our own setting. We will also use this workshop as an opportunity to share our experiences of teaching on spiritual care in our own institutions and hopefully use this collaboration to support the development of a spiritual care curriculum in our own setting.

Workshop Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the difference between spiritual and religious care
  • Demonstrate their understanding of spiritual care by deconstructing, interpreting and discussing cases relating to spiritual care in the healthcare setting
  • Identify areas in their own teaching where they could incorporate the development of teaching on spiritual care
  • Compare the current status of teaching on spirituality in other medical schools and work collaboratively to help develop teaching in this area