INESE and IMAF call the GEMA PRIZES 2010 (VIIth edition) which will reward once more –with the help of a prestigious jury- the best Entrepreneurial Management in the Insurance Mediation.


1. They will be able to participate all the mediators who, between September 2009 and the 5th of February 2010, have handed in the entrepreneurial initiatives they have developed and that have contributed to the positive evolution of their business (for example: inner organization systems, merging with other mediators, costumer or contributor attracting campaigns, portfolio purchase, technological developments and so on).

Moreover, they will be admitted to tender those initiatives that, sent to our publication as news, will be selected by the Editorial department and will receive the approval of the person most interested in order to enlarge and develop the information.

On the other hand, the jury will assess the most remarkable initiatives that have been carried out in the mediation field during the aforementioned period and have reached the general public. The projects or initiatives also can be introduced by colleagues or contributors who know the development and evolution of the project.   

2. Together with the results description and the obstacles encountered during the development of the initiative, the explanations for the reasons that led the mediator to lead change into his business will be valued.

3.- Three prizes are awarded that, in this edition, will be located into three categories:

-      Technological development

-     Innovation

-      Commercial initiatives

 4.- Every award winner will receive a commemorative item which will be handed in during a public event which will take place in the course of the “Semana del Seguro 2010"


 5.- The Admission deadline for the works is the 5th of February 2010


 6.- INESE will publish in ACTUALIDAD ASEGURADORA the introduced initiatives.


 7.- The jury will be composed of high profile sector representatives.


 8.- By turns, every year the award winners of the previous edition will be part of the jury.