Wisconsin Annual Conference 2019
Morning Workshops:

Accountable Leadership Model - Dick Jones

200 Years of Mission Celebration - Rev. Dr. Nora Colmenares

Volunteers in Mission - Tammy Kuntz

Faith Community with Trauma & Resilience - Deb Pattee

Cross Cultural & Cross-Racial Ministries/Appointment - Ebenezer Insor & AHyun Lee 

Afternoon Workshops:

Safe Sanctuaries - Sharon Cook

Conference/Clergy Benefits - Rev. Jean Ehnert Nicholas

Church Planting & New Faith Communities - Rev. Jorge L. Mayorga

200 years of Mission Celebration - Rev. Dr. Nora Colmenares

Volunteers in Mission - Tammy Kuntz

Title: Accountable Leadership Board Structure for the Local Church

Presenter: Dick Jones

In Wisconsin, over 40 churches of all sizes are engaged in or are in the process of implementing the Accountable Leadership Structure model. This model is based on the 15 year experience of over 300 churches in the West Ohio Conference.


This structure recognizes the reality that no church has sufficient money, staff, volunteers or facilities to do the entire ministry they would like to do. Therefore, valuable resources cannot be wasted on activities, programs or ministries that do not focus on the mission, vision and strategic goals.


In this model, the Administrative Council, Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Trustees, Finance Committee and Lay Leadership Committee are combined into one 9-12 member Accountable Leadership Board (ALB). When necessary to vote, the entire ALB acts as the Council, SPRC, Finance Committee or Trustees. The ALB is assisted by ministry teams that focus on making ministry happen.


This model:

  • Enables an intentional, congregational renewal led by a team of committed, discipleship leaders.
  • Promotes ministry unity, functioning at a high level of efficient, cooperative decision making.
  • Focuses ministries on the mission, vision, discipleship system and strategic goals.
  • Relies on the latest research and experience of effective churches.

Title: 200 Years of Mission Celebration

Partnering for Good in your Community and Beyond

Presenter:  Rev. Dr. Nora Colmenares, Global Ministries Executive Director Mission Engagement and Director of the Advance

What are best practices in establishing mutually beneficial partnerships in the community around your church and with partners around the country and world? What have we learned during our 200-year bicentennial celebration of the founding of the Missionary Society and the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, both of the Methodist Episcopal Church, one of the forerunner denominations of The United Methodist Church? Share what have you have learned and hear from others and about building relationships while engaging locally and globally.


 Title: Volunteers in Mission

Presenter: Tammy Kuntz, North Central Jurisdiction of the UMC

This interactive time together will respond to the questions most often asked about United Methodist Volunteers in Mission North Central Jurisdiction. Recent data will be shared in addition to providing connections to resources for missioners, team leaders, project site directors, and mission coordinators at local churches, districts, and the conference.

The North Central Jurisdiction is a big place. There are many projects where teams and individuals can serve. Learn how your favorite project can be part of the connection of UMVIM sites.

Young adults are serving around the world as part of Discover…Mission. Current teams are scheduled for China, Detroit, and Peru. These mission journeys are an intentional cultural immersion and include team leadership training.

The Global Church is expanding every year. Gain an awareness of the places and projects where individuals and couples are serving as Mission Volunteers and ways you can support them in their work. Find out if you have the qualifications to be a Mission Volunteer.

Suggested prerequisites: compassion, laughter, love, grace


Title:  Faith Community with Trauma and Resilience
Presenter: Deb Pattee

During the first half of this workshop, participants will learn about the impact Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have on a person’s physical and mental well-being. How trauma affects daily life will be addressed and personal stories and experiences will be shared about the power trauma can have on one’s life such as in the case, for example, of the General Conference’s recent decision. In the second half, resilience and protective factors will be introduced as important ways to promote improved outcomes. Strategies and actions for the development of resilience will be discussed. In particular, the role faith plays in fostering resilience will be highlighted.


Title: Cross Cultural and Cross-Racial Ministries/Appointment

Presenter: Ebenezer Insor & AHyun Lee

The changing demographics within the United States and also in The United Methodist Church has created missional opportunities with the diversity of pastoral leadership in our churches, through cross racial and cross cultural appointments. This learning event is to empower and equip clergy and churches in cross racial and cross cultural appointments to be successful in their ministries as partners in mission.
Title: Safe Sanctuaries: writing a policy with best practices

Presenters: Sharon Cook

If you can’t locate a Safe Sanctuaries policy, written and approved later than 2012, it’s time to revisit this critical topic. Come learn how to engage your congregation in the process of writing a policy that will best fit your ministry and needs. We’ll also talk about the ongoing and emerging best practices. We will focus primarily on Safe Sanctuaries as it applies to children and youth, but we will also address the specific concerns when working with vulnerable adults as well.
Title: Conference/Clergy Benefits

Presenters: Rev. Jean Ehnert Nicholas

What do CRSP, CPP and UMPIP stand for and how do they work?
Why are there 6 different health insurance plans for clergy and how much is our church expected to pay?

Do pastors pay their own Social Security tax? What about withholding for income tax purposes?
How does a housing allowance/furnishings allowance/parsonage allowance work?

Do all pastors receive the same type of benefits? What if they’re serving ¼ time or ½ time instead of ¾ - full time?

These questions and more will be answered during this workshop, which is designed to help clergy AND lay leaders of local churches gain a better understanding of the various benefits available to pastors appointed in the Wisconsin Annual Conference.


Title: Church Planting & New Faith Communities

Presenter: Rev. Jorge L. Mayorga, Director of Congregational Development

In this workshop participants are going to learn why we need to plant new ministries, in new places, for new people in Wisconsin. What is the difference between a new ministry and a community of faith, and how can we be part of this movement of planting new ministries.

Also, participants will learn what systems and structures for planting new ministries we have in place in our conference and what is the future in establishing a culture of permanent growth.
All this in response to the Mission of the United Methodist Church “To Make Disciples for the transformation of the World” and to the vision of Wisconsin Conference to Imagine Wisconsin Anew.