Sponsorship info
sponsorship flyer


Why Sponsor this event?
Some of you might be thinking that you don’t even know what a liturgy is or
what that has to do with my business.
At this conference we will have liturgists, musicians, and just normal
everyday Catholics wanting to learn more about their faith.
• First, you would be helping in the Church’s New Evangelization by
helping participants better live and proclaim the Gospel.
• Second, you would be getting your name in front of a group that will be grateful for your sponsorship as it lowers the cost of their attendance at the event.
   • Finally, it would feel good. (IF not, it is a tax deduction)
Sponsorship Info
• All sponsorships will be acknowledged in the conference program.
• All sponsors will have their logo and website added to the
official SWLC 2016 San Antonio website.
• Deadline for inclusion in the conference program is December 14, 2015.
Please contact Tom Minkley at tminkley@satx.rr.com for
submission of ads or for answers to additional questions.

Bronze Door Sponsor - $7,500
Bronze Door Sponsor can include complimentary exhibit booth, displayed banner,
full-page program ad, and the ability to give a two minute welcome to the group at
the opening session on Wednesday evening.
Oak Door Sponsor - $5,000 (three available)
This sponsorship Includes lunches held in the exhibit hall on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sponsor will have the opportunity to present your company at each lunch.
Rosewood Sponsor - $3,500 (two available)
This sponsorship includes a banner on the busses used for transporting participants to events and during pre-conference tours. This will give visibility throughout the city!
Cherry Door Sponsor- $1,000 (numerous available)
This sponsorship includes a banner in two breakout sessions.
First paid gets first choices and a half-page ad in program
Mesquite Door Sponsor - $500 (numerous available)
This sponsorship includes a full page ad and various recognitions depending on company

Collateral for attendee bags
• There is no charge for exhibitors to provide a reasonable amount of materials for the
study week bag that will go to each attendee.
• Non-exhibitors wishing to provide materials to registered attendees will be charged $100.
• Provide 800-1,000 pieces
• Deadline for materials is Saturday, January 3, 2016
If you intend to provide materials, please notify Tom Minkley at tminkley@satx.rr.com.
He will provide a more accurate count of expected attendees during December.

Program Advertising
$3000 back cover in full color
$2500 inside front cover in full color
$1800 inside back cover in full color
$150 1⁄4 page ad in black and white.