Saturday Seminar #3: Emerging and Converging with Equity

8:45 AM: The morning starts with mingling with colleagues over light refreshments.

9:00 AM: Keynote and interactive question and answer session in the auditorium.

10:45 AM: 15-minute break

11:00 AM-12:15 PM: Interactive workshops. Workshops are co-facilitated by a leader from Bay Area Writing Project and a leader from either the Bay Area Math Project or Bay Area Science Project, exploring ideas presented in the keynote and how they may be applied in our math and science classrooms. 


Math and Writing
Malia Tayabas-kim and Harold Asturias
Oakland Unified and Lawrence Hall of Science

Unpacking Word Problems

Voice and choice is critical to empowering all learners, and in particular English Language Learners, as doers of mathematics. Creating the conditions for students to tackle the complex text of word problems is essential to developing their understanding and identity. In this workshop, we will discuss how “sentence unpacking” can provide students with ever more independent ways to comprehend word problems.

Science and Writing
Environmental Justice through Citizen Science and Evidence-based Argumentative Writing
Cassandra Chen and Candice Fukomoto ,Oakland Unified

Join us in investigating place-based phenomena through an environmental justice lens in order to make science meaningful to students, their families, and our community. We will explore how to engage students as citizen scientists as we tackle issues such as why rates of child lead poisoning in our Fruitvale community is among the highest in the nation. We will have an opportunity to test water for lead, and learn about how to prepare soil sampling for lead and other contaminants. We will also share tools to support students in argumentative writing using evidence from their research and data from their investigations