Workshops 2019

ESG integration in Fixed Income

Expanding the fixed income universe 



This workshop series for asset owners provides an opportunity for detailed discussion on why and how ESG-related data is acquired, analysed, and integrated into fixed income strategies. The workshops – delivered via research presentations and small roundtable discussions - are a unique opportunity for peer-to-peer learning in a focused setting. Only asset owners (pension funds, insurance companies, endowments etc.) and their appointed investment consultants are invited to participate.

Classifying ESG risks in fixed income portfolios

For sustainability and ESG to become a standard part of the investment process, mainstream investors need guidance and benchmarks to quantify risk. They must now build on the use of third-party ESG ratings in fixed income investing while staying abreast of regulatory change.

How bondholder engagement can drive ESG integration in fixed income portfolios

There exists a  range of bond holder engagement strategies to mainstream ESG integration. Workshop participants will discuss engagement approaches that vary across debt instruments, from embedding ESG credit risk analysis in portfolio managers’ work to the creation of dedicated bondholder engagement teams. 

Assessing materiality and risk across the fixed income universe

Roundtable discussions will examine how new data-driven strategies, coupled with regular in-country engagements, support portfolio risk assessment and monitoring of material ESG risks in credit portfolios. Attendees will consider how ESG factors can inform the tracking of risk trends, in addition to informing responses to tipping points and crises. More proactive approaches to ESG integration on issues that can impact balance sheets, cash flow projections and portfolio-level credit risk profiles will also be explored.

Key Themes

  1. Classifying ESG risks in fixed income portfolios
  2. How bondholder engagement can drive ESG integration in fixed income portfolios
  3. Assessing materiality and risk across the fixed income universe
