Rheumatology 2013
Presentation guidelines for speakers and chairs
For Speakers
As a speaker, your expertise is of great value to the conference. You were selected to present the most up-to-date scientific and clinical information in a way that will engage the audience. Please read the brief guidance document (pdf) for speakers
Please note, speaker presentations will be recorded. Speakers will be asked to sign a release form allowing their presentation and any content (i.e. slides) to be used on the BSR website and e-learning platform. This form will be emailed to all speakers before the conference.

For Chairs
The role of session chairs is critical to the success of any conference and your contribution to Rheumatology 2013 is very much appreciated. Please read the guidance document (pdf) for chairs.

For Abstract Presenters
Advice given on slides, content, structure, delivery, maintaining your audience's attention and how to deal with a Q&A session. Please read the guidance document (pdf) for abstract presenters.

For Poster Presenters
Advice provided on all aspects of poster presentation that includes size, content, and viewing schedules. Please read the poster guidelines (pdf).

Additional resources: