UNY New Faith Communities



In Order to Bear Fruit,
All Parts of the Plant Must Be Working Together

Anatomy of a New Faith Community

As a way of describing to people what it takes to plant a new faith community, this “Anatomy of a NFC” is designed to offer a snapshot of a new faith community in action.  Just like every human being is different, yet has the same DNA and basic anatomy…   each new faith community will be unique, but in the following ways, will look like every other throughout Upper New York Conference!


The Eyes
A Clear Vision

Every new faith community with a future has clarity of vision!  Everyone involved has a clear picture of the kind of faith community they are attempting to create.  Clarity around vision may take time, a lot of discussion and a ton of prayer.  But, it is all worth while!

The Ears    
An Ongoing Practice of Listening to Context

Fruitful planting teams are continually seeking to learn more about the people and needs in the contexts they are seeking to serve.  The only way to learn context is by listening, asking good questions, and listening some more!


The Heart   
A Network of Praying People

There is not a new faith community in the world that has a chance at long term health and growth that is not built on the foundations of prayer!  Wise planters have people all over the world praying for them!

The Name   
A Name that Captures the Vision

Just as Biblical names were given with a story or significant event in mind, so the new faith community name is significant!  A NFC’s name should communicate something important to everyone in the neighborhood!  Good modern examples are:  ”The Well”, “HopeGateway” and “AfterHours Denver.”  Don’t these names make you curious?


 The Mind   
A Focused Strategy

Every fruitful church start has identified their target audience and a strategy to match!  They realize they can not be everything to everyone.  So, they have listened well to their context, identified a target group they want to reach, and developed a strategy specifically designed to reach that group.  They are always thinking.  Always learning!

The Hands     
Many Teams

Growing new faith communities are NOT dependent on an individual or two to make things happen!  Instead, leaders are constantly building and growing and equipping TEAMS of people to do all of the ministry.  Needed teams grow out of the chosen strategy and context, but most every NFC has an hospitality team, a mission team, a PR or “buzz” team, and a finance team (among others)!


 The Feet (Nimble and quick)      
Flexibility in All Things

One of the advantages of new church starts is their ability to shift gears quickly! Finding new ways of reaching new people calls for risk-taking leadership (constantly trying new things) , followed by evaluation, followed by adjusting the plan, and then trying another new thing!  The goal is always to be nimble, and not so attached to a plan that you can’t let it go in order to try something else!

The Blood   
A Developing Plan for Sustainability

Like the heart and lungs are continually replenishing oxygen to our muscles and brain, leaders are continually working to multiply leadership, find long-term funding and walk 2-3 steps ahead of the rest of the church to make sure the ministry can continue well into the future!

The Legs and Arms   
Partners in Their Community

Like our legs support us, and our arms extend our reach, our partners (secular and faith-based) are key to making our ministries effective. We need friends in all places, offering space, money, and networks of helpful resources.  Smart planters are always looking to expand their partnerships!