Corporate Travel Direct Conference 2014

Regional Director IDFS for The Americas

Jean-Charles is a French, trilingual executive with over 15 years of experience in the Air Transport Industry in prestigious corporations such as Air France and Panalpina World Transport, where he reached solid achievements in sales and operations. In IATA, Jean-Charles started in May 2003 as Cargo Services Manager, coordinating the settlement activities in Spain and Portugal between Freight Forwarders and Airlines, which represents a net turnover of over 400 million Euro/year. Through the IATA matrix structure, he combined his cargo activities with business development, actively promoting IATA’s Industry Solutions such as training, consultancy and business intelligence. In addition, he led the Simplifying-the-Business project in Spain, achieving 100% implementation of E-ticket by the end of May 2008. On 1st October 2006, he was appointed Country Manager for Spain and Portugal, which represents movements of over 3.5 billion Euros/year between 7500 travel agents and 150 airlines. In 2009 and 2010, Jean-Charles combined his activities in Spain and Portugal with the position of Acting Country Manager for UK and Ireland. Since November 2010, Jean-Charles is the IDFS Regional Director for The Americas, covering all IATA Financial services and Settlement Systems linked to airlines distribution (BSP and CASS) from Canada to Chile which represents an operation of over 25 billion USD/year. Jean Charles is also the Head of IATAN, a department of IATA, servicing all aspects of the US Travel and Tourism industry since over 20 years through a unique accreditation program, offering global recognition and global reach to over 100,000 travel agents in the US. Jean-Charles holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the Ecole Supérieure des Dirigeants D’Entreprise (Paris) and a Master’s Degree in International Business Administration from Universitas Nebrissensis (Madrid).