December 2019 Meeting

December 2019 Meeting

Friday 12/06/2019 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The December 2019 Meeting of the IIA-Wichita Chapter 

Topic: New Psychology of Fraud

Speaker: Toby Groves

Description:  This story-based audience favorite will disrupt everything you thought you knew about fraud, including which tools are effective for detection and deterrence. Attendees will learn why many of our assumptions are flawed, why some of the most trusted investigative practices actually lead us off-course, and how auditors, investigators and others unwittingly assist fraud schemes. The session will address topics such as behavioral profiling, psychological assessments and other commonly used industry tools. Scientific research is combined with Toby’s first-hand accounts in this powerful talk that exposes myths and the dangers lurking in our assumptions related to this ever-growing threat. 

We are also having our annual donation drive for Kansas Children's Service League at the December meeting! You can bring an unopened toy or make monetary donations. For more information about the organization you can visit



Event Agenda
12:00 pm - 1:00 pmRegistration and Lunch
1:00 pm - 4:00 pmChapter Announcements and Presentation

Registration Required!

Your reservation must be received by 1:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting.
All reservations & payments are subject to our Policy.

Price (includes lunch!) 

IIA Members (Early Bird $50 through 1/17)

Nonmembers (Early Bird $65 through 1/17)


First-Time Attendees
Lunch Only







MEMBERS ONLY: Use Discount Code Group2019 to receive an additional $10 off each registrant after 2 attendees have been registered in the group. Discount only valid until 1/17. 
New Registration
Modify Registration





This meeting is generously sponsored by


Emprise Bank (Gold)

Koch Industries (Gold)

Swindoll, Janzen, Hawk & Loyd (Silver)

Credit Union of America (Silver)

Bankers Bank of Kansas (Silver)

DCI (Bronze)

BKD (Bronze)




































See our Chapter website for more details about this and other Chapter events!
Be sure to review our Meeting & Seminar Reservation Payment and Refund Policy.