Regional Forum 2018 - Metro West
Food Recycle: The Solution to Australia's Food Waste


Currently 97% of food waste ends up in landfill (in Australia). Unfortunately this is one of the worst materials for landfill as the food breaks down and becomes the main contributor to the generation of methane - a gas 25 times stronger than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere. The breakdown of food waste in landfill also releases nutrients which can filter into the surrounding environment, polluting groundwater and waterways.

While there are food waste composters currently in the market, there are inherent issues around the commercial viability of such a solution. Firstly, the resulting products is a low value item (compost material) - making the solution difficult to make profitable, secondly, there are restrictions around the sale and transportation of this low value product (largely due to contaminants,) and thirdly, it is a saturated market - further driving down the price of an already low value resource.

Food Recycle Ltd has developed a patent-pending new technology that processes commercial food waste into stock feed with no harmful by-products. This solution results in a high value product with no restrictions on the transportation of the end product - using the problematic waste material as a profitable resource.