AGD2018 in New Orleans
SEGK2: Systematic Reviews of Complex Musculoskeletal Pain

Subject Code: 340 Anesthesia and Pain Management
Credits: 1 
Session Type: Lecture
Fee: 25.00
Audience: D, H, A , S, R

Next, to dental pain, musculoskeletal masticatory pain is considered the most frequent pain in the orofacial system. Over the last decade, better insight into the potential etiological factors was reached. Combined with reliable randomized clinical trials on treatment efficacy, a standard of reversible, noninvasive and conservative approaches has been reached. A majority of patients may now bridge the period that the body needs to reinstall equilibrium between inherent capacity and overloading or to adapt in case of altered joint mechanics, for example.

Understand the evolution that the fundamental scientific paradigms that support the knowledge and practice of modern medicine have undergone 
Understand the concept of the psychoneuroendocrine immune axis as the main processing, coordinating, and adapting system of the human body
Describe the different clinical types of masticatory muscle pain
Understand how the central nervous system becomes an influencing factor in muscles pain
Understand and utilize appropriate imaging protocol for various clinical situations in which orofacial pain is being investigated