AGD 2015 Annual Meeting
S28: Soft Tissue Grafting for the Gingival Recession Around Teeth, Deficiencies of Soft Tissue Around Implants and General Tissue Defects

Subject: 492 – Soft Tissue Surgery
Credits: 3             Lecture
Friday, June 19: 1 to 4 p.m.
Audience: DTC (D, H, A, O, T), ST, R
Fee: $50
Location: Moscone West, Level 3, Room 3004

Speaker Bio: Centennial, CO; private practice; Associate Clinical Professor, University of Jamaica, Kingston, Department of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry; Kingston, Jamaica

Description:   This course will review the principles for successful tissue grafting, using minimally invasive techniques.  A review of options for non-onerous cervical lesions, as well as enhancing the results around our cosmetic dentistry.

Learning Objectives:

  • Each participant will understand the significance of dental pH, dental erosion, and their implication to exposed root surfaces.
  • Options in our treatment of class five lesions, exposed root surfaces, and generalized root recession, including minimally invasive tissue grafting.
  • Each participant will leave having the science and options to help each patient in their practice.

 is the Presenting Sponsor of this course.