AGD 2015 Annual Meeting
S20: Dental Implants: The Surgical and Prosthetic Rationale for the General Practitioner

Subject: 690 – Implants
Credits: 3         Lecture
Friday, June 19: 8 to 11 a.m.
Audience: D, A, T, ST, R
Fee: $50
Location: Moscone West, Level 3, Room 3004

Speaker Bio: Centennial, CO; private practice; Associate Clinical Professor, University of Jamaica, Kingston, Department of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry; Kingston, Jamaica

Description:  This course will help both the experienced dentist, as well as the new practitioner, in implant dentistry.  The patient evaluation and treatment plan, including the criteria influencing implant success and longevity, which will play an important part for each participant.  Implant placement and prosthetic principles for the partially and completely edentulous patient will assist each participant to lower risks and improve patient options.

Learning Objectives:        

  • Each participant will learn the significance and importance of the health history; a CT; patient risk factors; and bone quality, quantity and volume.
  • Each participant will understand the different type of implants, the significance of implant size and the basic principles of implant placement and osseointegration.
  • Each participant will generally understand restorative options for single and multiple implants. 
 is the Presenting Sponsor of this course.