Certification Exams

International Code Council Annual Conference 2015 – Long Beach Convention Center
Special Examination Administration

Site Location Address:
Long Beach Convention Center
Testing Room: TBD
300 East Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90802

Examinations will be administered on September 30 and October 1, 2015. Examinations listed below are anticipated at this time to be offered, but are subject to change.

Two administration sessions will be held each day, at 8 am and 1:30 pm:

79 Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner $189
77 Commercial Energy Inspector $189
78 Commercial Energy Plans Examiner $189
CE Commercial Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner with ASHRAE 90.1 $189
G1 Green Building—Residential Examiner $189
B1 Residential Building Inspector $168
B2 Commercial Building Inspector $189
E1 Residential Electrical Inspector $168
E2 Commercial Electrical Inspector $189
P1 Residential Plumbing Inspector $168
P2 Commercial Plumbing Inspector $189
P3 Plumbing Plans Examiner $189
M1 Residential Mechanical Inspector $168
M2 Commercial Mechanical Inspector $189
M3 Mechanical Plans Examiner $189
66 Fire Inspector I $194
67 Fire Inspector II $194
14 Permit Technician $189
CA Commercial Fire Alarm Inspector $189
CN Commercial Fire Alarm Plans Examiner I $189
CR Commercial Fire Alarm Plans Examiner II $189
CF Commercial Fire Sprinkler Inspector $189
CP Commercial Fire Sprinkler Plans Examiner $189

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged; the application can be found here.

Walk-in registration at the Annual Conference will be available from 7:30 – 8 am and 1 – 1:30 pm on both examination dates. Examination applications will be available at the registration desk.

  • Walk-in testing is available, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Testing is limited to 20 candidates per seating. Candidates are strongly encouraged to pre-register to confirm their seating availability.
  • For information on the examinations to be administered, click here for the current National Certification Examination Information Bulletin. This bulletin contains information on the testing process as well as specific examination information, including reference materials, length of testing, and content outlines.
  • Examinations are open-book. Candidates are responsible for bringing their own approved reference materials to the exam. See the Bulletin for information on these materials. References needed for taking the exams can be purchased from ICC by calling 1-888-422-7233 or at www.iccsafe.org/store.
  • Examination fees are non-refundable. Exceptions are outlined in the Bulletin.
  • A photo identification, such as a driver's license, will be required for admittance to the examination.
  • If you have a physical disability that prohibits you from taking an examination under standard conditions, you may request special arrangements. Your letter of request must accompany this application, along with a completed special accommodations form. This form may be obtained by telephoning us at 1-888-422-7233, ext. 5524. Deadline to request ADA accommodations: August 28, 2015.

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