Dissemination of the Chief Inspector's Annual Report 2015 Smart Assessor

Thursday, 10 December 2015
Maple House, Birmingham

As part of the conference there will be the usual opportunity to explore in more depth some key areas through a choice of 4 workshop sessions.

This year they will be facilitated by:
Ofsted HMI
Inspecting Study Programmes
Facilitated by Karen Adriaanse HMI, Ofsted

This workshop will include an outline of the relevant key messages on study programmes in the annual report and further information on inspection findings on study programmes at and below level 2 in 2014/15. There will be a reminder of some of the main criteria inspectors consider when inspecting study programmes against the new Common Inspection Framework, some emerging inspection findings since September 2015 and an opportunity to take part in an activity or discussion on collecting and interpreting evidence for inspection or self-assessment.

Ofsted HMI
Inspecting Apprenticeships
Facilitated by Steven Tucker HMI,Ofsted

This workshop will include an outline of the relevant key messages on apprenticeships in the annual report and Ofsted’s recent survey on apprenticeships. There will be a reminder of some of the main criteria inspectors consider when inspecting apprenticeships against the new Common Inspection Framework, some emerging inspection findings since September 2015 and an opportunity to take part in an activity or discussion on collecting and interpreting evidence for inspection or self-assessment.

Lawn Tennis Association (Grade 1 provider)
A Sports Coach's approach to Ofsted inspection
Facilitated by Alistair Higham

The LTA have been inspected twice, moving from Grade 2 to Grade 1. Their nominee for both inspections, Alistair Higham reflects on how his experiences as an International Tennis Coach influenced his approach to preparing for inspection. 

He outlines how preparation, communication and tactical thinking can help providers awaiting inspection. 

QA Apprenticeships (Grade 1 provider)
QA Apprenticeships' Road to Outstanding
Facilitated by Paul Masterman and Julie Chell

QA Ltd are the UK’s leading IT Apprenticeship provider, having placed almost 10,000 young people into IT and business roles since 2009. In October 2013 QA were inspected by Ofsted and were awarded with a Grade 1 in every category, the first independent provider to achieve this under the new Common Inspection Framework. Paul Masterman is the Head of Quality for QA Apprenticeships and was the nominee for the grade 1 awarded inspection. Key strengths of QA include; World-leading Industry related apprenticeships, exceptional safeguarding and learning services, outstanding evidence of long distances travelled for apprentices and a high retention rate in employment after the apprenticeships (94%).  

Paul will give details about how planning and developing business processes around the Common Inspection Framework led to their success in inspection.