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#about-section row-mid col-xs-12 center

Public Health and Safety in Focus

What safeguards does Canada need to ensure legalized cannabis does not detract from public health and safety? How will law enforcement agencies deal with road safety? Will legalized marijuana exacerbate or alleviate the opioid crisis? How will crime rates be impacted? What considerations should be taken into account for the housing and real estate sector?

The panel included Celia Chandler, Partner with Iler Campbell LLP; Jack Reed, Statistical Analyst at the Office of Research & Statistics – Colorado Division of Criminal Justice; and Sudha Sabanadesan, Policy Development Officer at Toronto Public Health.

How Should Municipalities Prepare for Legalization?

Legalization will open up a host of issues for towns and cities, from bylaw revisions to complaints of odors, to public safety and zoning reassessment. At the same time, economic development proponents see cannabis as a potential new revenue and employment source for their communities. How are progressive municipalities responding and preparing?

The panel included Matt Zabloski, Business Strategist and Municipal Project Lead for the Legalization of Cannabis at the City of Calgary; Tracey Cook, Executive Director of Municipal Licencing Standards at the City of Toronto; and Molly Duplechian, Deputy Director of Policy and Administration, Excise and Licenses for the City and County of Denver.