2018 Nutraceuticals and Medicine Conference

2018 Nutraceuticals and Medicine Conference

October 18, 2018 Tampa, FL

This event will explore the role that nutrition, supplementation, exercise and other factors play in achieving and maintaining optimal health.

Sessions will bridge the gap between the recent studies in nutritional science and strategies that healthcare providers can use as they influence the nutritional choices of their patients or clients.

Why You Should Attend

Content is specifically designed for healthcare providers who influence patients' nutritional choices. Attending this conference will enable you to:

  1. Learn the latest developments in clinical research on nutraceuticals and nutritional interventions.
  2. Speak more knowledgably with patients regarding their nutritional choices.
  3. Leave with strategies for nutritional interventions to improve health outcomes for your patients.
  4. Earn continuing education credits/hours.


Tampa Bay Marriott

Tampa Bay Marriott
Grand Ballroom
700 S Florida Ave
Tampa, Florida 33602
Hotel website

Continuing Education

Continuing education will be jointly provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and CGi.

This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from The Juice Plus Company.