Tiny Package, Big Punch: Flash Memoir and the Art of Concision with Rosemarie Dombrowski
Tiny Package, Big Punch: Flash Memoir and the Art of Concision with Rosemarie Dombrowski
Course Details

Dates and Times: 

Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30 PM

May 16 and May 23

Course Description: 

The tools of the trade remain relatively the same, but the size of the package – when it comes to writing “flash” – forces us to distill our stories into palatable, 750-word bites. Think of them as appetizers for your longer works, parts of a longer whole, or simply an exercise in brevity and lyrical concision. In the first part of the course, we’ll discuss the features of the form – both memoir and its flash counterpart – emphasizing the elements that are standard to memoir as well as those unique to flash. We’ll also read and discuss a few recent flashes from Brevity magazine, and review the take-home writing prompt. In the second part of the course, we’ll read and review the flash memoirs of all participants in a traditional work-shop-style environment.