ATSNJ 2018 Annual Conference and Business Meeting
Educational Objectives

Managing the Sickle Cell Athlete - Dr. Michele Gilsenan

Educational Objectives

  • Define Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell Trait 
  • Realize that Sickle Cell Trait is expressed as an autosomal recessive gene 
  • Understand the factors contributing to and the complications of Sickle Cell Trait 
  • Define ECAST and compare its clinical features with other forms of non-traumatic collapse 
  • Develop strategies to prevent and treat conditions associated with Sickle Cell Trait


Concussion: A Team Approach - Jessica Springstead, ATC

Educational Objectives

  • Identify the four categories of concussion symptoms.
  • Determine the short and long term goals of concussion patients.
  • Identify the essential components of a concussion protocol from return to life to return to play.
  • Distinguish the roles and potential members of the concussion team.
  • Construct the concussion protocol incorporating the members of the team with their roles.
  • Evaluate current concussion protocol and make adjustments to support concussion patients.


A Rooted Rehab Approach to Prevention and Reconditioning - Christopher Flores, ATC

Educational Objectives


Updating Our Approach to Lower Back Assessment: Is there a Better Way? - Ken Cieslak, DC, ATC

Educational Objectives

  • Review key points to listen for in the history, as well as look at the literature to assess the importance of ROM testing, and the reliability of selected special tests. 
  • Examine the role movement screening protocols may play in low back assessment, and in particular, how directional preference testing (MDT) may provide an important basis to assist in diagnosis.
  • Examine the literature to determine which treatment options may provide the best approach to initial management and rehabilitation.


Role of the Preceptor in the Athletic Training Program - Gwen Cleaves, ATC

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will understand the qualifications of a preceptor in the education of athletic training students.
  • Participants will understand the responsibilities of a preceptor in the athletic training education program. 
  • Participants will gain an appreciation for what makes a quality preceptor in the education of athletic training students.


Opioid Addiction and the Athlete - Dr. Rob Flowers

Educational Objectives

  • To recognize the scope of the opioid addiction problem.
  • Identify those athletes/patients at risk.
  • Learn how to prevent and treat those athletes/patients who are suffering from opioid addiction.

Advancements in ACL and UCL Surgery: What Athletic Trainers Should Know - Frank Alexander, ATC

  • In the athletic population, ACL and UCL reconstructions have become the primary procedure for many surgeons. There have been significant advances in surgery for both the ACL and UCL in recent years. In some instances, native ligaments can be repaired. The objective is to review these advances in surgical technique, how it affects the treatment protocol post-operatively, and return to play timelines. 
  • PICO: How are athletes’ post-operative protocols, treatment, and outcomes effected in cases where a ligament is repaired versus reconstructed? ·What are the clinical recommendations supported by the research/evidence 
  • Proximal tears are more likely to have favorable outcomes when a ligament is repaired. When repair is possible, athletes are able to participate in more aggressive rehab and return to sport quicker. ·
  • References within last 5 years:
    • Achtnich, A., Herbst, E., Forkel, P., et al. (2016). Acute proximal anterior cruciate ligament tears: Outcomes after arthroscopic suture anchor repair versus anatomic single-bundle reconstruction. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 32(12), 2562-2569.
    • Dugas, J. R. (2016). Ulnar collateral ligament repair: An old idea with a new wrinkle. American Journal of Orthopedics 45(3), 124-127. 
    • Van der List, J. P. & Difelice, G. S. (2016). Preservation of the anterior cruciate ligament: A treatment algorithm based on tear location and tissue quality. American Journal of Orthopedics 45(7), E393-E405.


Own Your Space: 3 Ways to Enhance Your Impact as an Athletic Trainer - Ryan Stevens, ATC
Educational Objectives

  • Identify the potential influence of various mindset approaches on their daily professional practice and job growth
  • Differentiate and display components of engaged presence vs disengaged presence 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication and the roles in the development of rapport these skills play 
  • Communicate approaches to enhance relationships with athletes, coaches, parents, and co-workers


Board of Medical Examiners Update - J. Timothy Sensor, ATC

Educational Objectives

  • At the conclusion of the presentation, the participant should be able to:
  • Define the continuing education credits (CEU) requirements as stated in the NJ Athletic Training regulations in order to maintain their license to practice Athletic Training in NJ. (Knowledge)
  • Classify their CEU’s into the proper categories in order achieve the number of credits needed for licensure renewal. (Analysis)
  • Maintain a file of the CEU documents if you are requested to produce your records in order to validate your credits for the NJ Athletic Training Advisory Committee. (Application)
  • Decide if a continuing education offering will fit the criteria needed to be an accepted CEU program. (Evaluation)