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Testimonials from Past Participants: 

Hear from past professionals with various ranges of experience who have participated in the Around the World International Development Programme: 

"My time was very well spent! Being a travel buyer and past experience as a travel agent, I have had a few annoying questions for which answers are not easily available. ATW provided me with clarity on all my questions. I also came back with a better understanding of the challenges faced by airlines, TMCs, payment partners and other buyers." Muhammad A. 
"Around the World was a wonderful opportunity to baseline my knowledge, understand the reasons for the differences, and realize the opportunities for the future for our business in China. I loved it!" - Dan S. 

"The program is just very, very good. No matter where your responsibilities lie within your company, the program will have something for your every step of the way. There will be a lesson that you can take away from everyone who you meet. Just don't even think about it, just do it." - Nicola D.

"ATW brought the Latin America Travel Industry into focus for me. I recommend travel managers getting to regions where their companies do business." - Andy T. 

"Experiencing China's business practices and culture has provided me with the confidence to manage that region's part of our program - thanks to ACTE and ATW." - Katelyn D. 

"If you want a successful travel programme in a particular country, it is important to understand the business practices and culture etiquette, and to conduct yourself accordingly. ATW is a great way to gain that insight." - Darcy T.