Advance registration will close on 14 April 2017. Please ensure that your registration form is received by 14 April. Registrations received after that date will not appear on the final participants list and are subject to onsite pricing.

CANCELLATION POLICY: A $75 cancellation fee will be applied to all refunds received on or before 31 March 2017. Unfortunately, refunds cannot be provided for cancellations received after 31 March; however, we would be pleased to accept a substitute.

NEI/WNA Member Registration:
$985 (Received on or by 24 March)
$1085 (Received after 24 March)
$1185 (Received after 14 April)

Non Member Registration:
$1960 (Received on or by 24 March)
$2060 (Received after 24 March)
$2160 (Received after 14 April)

Guest Opening Reception

Guest Special Event

Technical Tour: $40
For registration queries please contact 
1 202 739 8039